Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have a Question?

I have a question, why would you run for Jailer in a Sheriff's uniform? No matter how may big signs you have or TV commercials you do, they all have too things in common. First you can't hid the fact that you have no Jail experience and Second,you are using County owned property in your ads.


OK, you read about what happened in the Jessamine County Jail. Well it happens to the best of Jails sometimes. You need to understand that if this can happened to a jail run by a Jailer with 17 years experience. What do you think will happen if you elect a Jailer with NO experience? You have people being booked in and released all day and night. This is just one reason we need a Jailer with real jail experience. As I have stated before, I have 13 years experience and have done every job in a jail from booking in to releasing inmates.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What do you think will happen if you elect a Jailer with NO expereience?

An early morning jail escape has deputies searching for a suspect and a lot of people trying to figure out what went wrong.

It happened just after 6 o’clock Sunday morning at the Jessamine County Jail.

Jail officials say inmate Robert White was scheduled to be released, but instead, his cell mate, Justin Darland fooled officials into thinking he was White.

Officials say nothing in Darland's background indicates violence, but warns people should be careful since he's in a desperate situation.

This is just another reason we need a new Jailer with Jail experience to run our Jessamine County jail.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Public Outcry

Why is there no outcry from the public about a candidate running for public office using a county owned car and uniform in his ads? This same candidate was also using a county owned auto and on duty out putting up campaign signs. This should point out to you that this person has no experience for the job of Jailer and trying to hide his lack of experience by using a uniform and car in his advertisement. I don't think he is aware but that is not even for the office he is running for. In all of his advertising he has failed to list one hour of jail experience he has. Pleases don't be fooled by the official looking uniform and car, they belong to us all.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have worked in corrections over twenty years and had retired in 2009. During my tour of duty I have had the opportunity to work with Mr. wells in a correctional setting. I have to say that Alan is not only an extremely personable person but very serious about the duties in his profession. The man is both fair and firm. I can strongly attest that Alan would be an outstanding jailer for Jessamine County. I have lived in Jessamine County and understand that the people of the Nicholasville areas deserve a "DOWN TO EARTH" person in that position.
Mr. Alan Wells has several years in corrections in both North Carolina and in Kentucky, in has the wisdom to perform in excellently given any situation of any institution. His experience and professionalism in corrections, the judicial system/Kentucky Law, and administrative leadership and solutions, make him the best candidate this region has seen for years!
When I had heard that Alan Wells was considering being placed on the ballot I immediately hit the keyboard! He is a leader that Jessamine county deserves! A true gentleman ALAN WELLS for jailer!

Joseph D. Buganski
Owner/Operator of Jd's Home Improvements
Owner/Cleaning Technician of Priority Carpet Cleaning and Restorations
Proto-type specialist for Jd's Electronics
"Quality and Honesty is all I know"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are you interested

Anyone that is interested in the race of Jessamine County Jailer and would like a copy of my platform, please feel free to contact me at and I will be more that happy to see that you get a copy. I want you to know what my ideas are to help the county and save money. I look forward to answering any questions that you might have.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well its seems that I made a mistake and failed to list the FOP lodge that is backing me in the Jessamine County Jailer race. I guess someone got their feeling hurt, so I will correct this matter now. My lodge is Town Branck FOP LDG #83. Funny thing this FOP lodge is for Jailer's and corrections people only.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fraternal Odrer of Police backs Wells for Jailer

I have now been endorsed by the FOP in my run for Jessamine County jailer. They understand the experience necessary to run a county jail. Thank you for your support.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Animal Shelter

With all the problem with the animal shelter, why not just let the jail take it over? I mean they have the man power (class D inmates) to run it. Kroger's has a barrel setting there to collect donations for another county's animal shelter. If you look at my platform, you will see that I suggested the jail taking the animal shelter last year. If we use the class D inmates and get the food donated, maybe we would be able to get the cost of adopting an animal down to where the average family could afford to adopt an animal and we could turn it into a no kill shelter. Just another cost saving, workable plan I have that would save the tax payers of Jessamine County money.