Monday, June 28, 2010

Still Nothing

Having ask a questions of the men running for Jailer, I find it funny that there has been no answer. I think the people have a right to know where Jon Sallee has all of his experience. He has never said and I find that to be odd. We all know where John Branscum's experience comes from. Like wise, we need to know who Mr Branscum will be picking for his Chief Deputy. Someone with jail experience would be a big plus. Come on fellows, don't wait until the last minute to give us the information that we need to pick the best man for the job of Jessamine County Jailer. I still say that experience matters. If you look at the problems that the jail has had in the last few years, don't you worry what will happen with a Jailer with no Jail experience?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Time

I thinks it's time for the men running for Jessamine County Jailer to start giving the voters some more information about them self's. It is time for Mr. Sallee to list where he spent his 8 years in law enforcement at? It is time for Mr Branscum to let us know who is chief deputy will be. Both of these questions are important to the voters in the election. There both seem like very easy question, but for some reasons they have not been answered as of yet. Well gentlemen, how about an answer.