Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank You

It's good to know that there are still plenty of people that are reading this blog every day. In fact since the election the number of people reading this blog has increased. That tells me that the people are still interested in the jailer's race and what I have to say about it. Maybe it's the questions that I have ask and still not seen a response to. Maybe the voters are asking them self's the same questions. I know for a fact that people come up to me all the time and ask questions about the jail. Of all the people I have talked to, none can understand why the only people with experience did not win the election. No one can understand why anyone would have voted for someone with no experience to run a office that has had its share of problems. The people need a DEBATE or several DEBATES to get the candidates together and see what they have to say and what they plan to do about the problems at the jail. This and all other elections should not be a popularity contest. Just because you like a person does not mean they are qualified or have any idea how to do the job. In fact you might be doing your friend a disservice by electing them to a job that they have no knowledge of. Look at it this way, a mistake could cost the city and the jailer personally. Think about it.

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