Monday, August 9, 2010

What's going to happen?

Right now I can't tell you who will be our next jailer. What I can tell you is that they will be just like Cecil Moss a one term jailer. The reason I say that is because the jail is in such a mess that someone with no experience don't have a chance in getting the problems fixed. The best that can happen is that is don't get any worse. You can't fix what you don't understand and it will take someone at least 4 years to figure out what is going on in that jail. All I can tell you now is to DEMAND a debate and listen to just how much experience these to men don't have, then look at all the problems that the jail has had in the past. What do you think is going to happen?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank You

It's good to know that there are still plenty of people that are reading this blog every day. In fact since the election the number of people reading this blog has increased. That tells me that the people are still interested in the jailer's race and what I have to say about it. Maybe it's the questions that I have ask and still not seen a response to. Maybe the voters are asking them self's the same questions. I know for a fact that people come up to me all the time and ask questions about the jail. Of all the people I have talked to, none can understand why the only people with experience did not win the election. No one can understand why anyone would have voted for someone with no experience to run a office that has had its share of problems. The people need a DEBATE or several DEBATES to get the candidates together and see what they have to say and what they plan to do about the problems at the jail. This and all other elections should not be a popularity contest. Just because you like a person does not mean they are qualified or have any idea how to do the job. In fact you might be doing your friend a disservice by electing them to a job that they have no knowledge of. Look at it this way, a mistake could cost the city and the jailer personally. Think about it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny thing?

I have been ask a great number of times why there was no debate for the election this year. I also think its a very funny thing that there was none. The local news paper has always had a debate, but declined to do so this time. I even tried to get one set up with no one responding. I wonder why that is? If anyone has any ideas please let me know.I think that a debate is the very best way to get the men running for any office and allow the voting public to hear just what they have to say and ask them questions. There are a lot of problems with the jail and we need to know what each of the men running for jailer has to say about them. A debate would put the candidates on an even level with out seeing who had the most or biggest signs all over town. After all this election is not about who has the most signs its about who is best qualified for the office of jailer. Who ever we elect this year is headed for a big mess so we better take a very good look at who is running and what they have is mind. More to come....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Still Nothing

Having ask a questions of the men running for Jailer, I find it funny that there has been no answer. I think the people have a right to know where Jon Sallee has all of his experience. He has never said and I find that to be odd. We all know where John Branscum's experience comes from. Like wise, we need to know who Mr Branscum will be picking for his Chief Deputy. Someone with jail experience would be a big plus. Come on fellows, don't wait until the last minute to give us the information that we need to pick the best man for the job of Jessamine County Jailer. I still say that experience matters. If you look at the problems that the jail has had in the last few years, don't you worry what will happen with a Jailer with no Jail experience?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Time

I thinks it's time for the men running for Jessamine County Jailer to start giving the voters some more information about them self's. It is time for Mr. Sallee to list where he spent his 8 years in law enforcement at? It is time for Mr Branscum to let us know who is chief deputy will be. Both of these questions are important to the voters in the election. There both seem like very easy question, but for some reasons they have not been answered as of yet. Well gentlemen, how about an answer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jailer's race

Ok people its time to start watching the Jessamine County Jailer's race. I can tell you that I would like to see a debate between Sallee and Branscum. I tried to have a debate set up but for some reason no one would not do it. The newspaper had always have a debate, but would not do it for some reason this year. We need to get both of these men together and have them answer questions from the public. That is the only way the public will be able to make an informed choice in this race. I would think that both sides would want to be able to tell the voting public what they stand for and hope to do a jailer. I only hope that Branscum has better luck that I did in getting this set up. The public needs to find out why the newspaper did not have a debate this year? I sure would like to know.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stay tuned

I have noticed that there are as many people following my blog now as there were during the race. I can tell you that there are still a few surprises yet to come. I would advise everyone to watch the race for jailer and watch it closely. It is in all our best interest. More later.