Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jailer's race

Ok people its time to start watching the Jessamine County Jailer's race. I can tell you that I would like to see a debate between Sallee and Branscum. I tried to have a debate set up but for some reason no one would not do it. The newspaper had always have a debate, but would not do it for some reason this year. We need to get both of these men together and have them answer questions from the public. That is the only way the public will be able to make an informed choice in this race. I would think that both sides would want to be able to tell the voting public what they stand for and hope to do a jailer. I only hope that Branscum has better luck that I did in getting this set up. The public needs to find out why the newspaper did not have a debate this year? I sure would like to know.

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