Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can you buy an Election?

Well we are about to find out. You have one candidate (Me) that is the only candidate with any Jail experience and has very little money to spend. I spend my time talking about the specific things I plan on doing to save the county money, make the jail a safer place for the county and bring the jail out in the open. I have a plan that will save the county money by requiring the inmates that use the jail to help with the cost of operating the jail. On the other hand you have a candidate that has no experience at all and a lot more money to spend. He uses county property in his ads and talks about his experience in law enforcement and with the fire dept, but not one word about any Jail experience. I have ask this question before and will ask this question again, would you hire a fire chief that was never a fire fighter, would you hire a police chief that was never a police officer, no you would not, then why would you consider electing a Jailer that have never worked in a jail? Can you buy an election? We are about to find out.

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