Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Time to Vote

Now its time to vote. I have said all along that we need a Jailer with experience. I am the ONLY republican running for Jailer that has any Jail experience. I would like to ask you one more time the following questions:
Would you hire a fire chief that has never been a fire fighter? Would you hire a police chief that has never been a police officer? Of course you wouldn't, so why would you elect a jailer that has never worked in a jail? I have 13 years experience of working in a jail, and over 1100 hours of training in corrections. My self and chief deputy have over 35 years of experience in corrections. The opposition has no jail experience at all. I have a plan that outlines some of the things I plan on doing and how I will save the county money and make the jail a safer place for staff and inmates a like. The opposition talks about all the thing he has done as a fire fighter, but not one word about any jail experience. Why, because he has none. If you look at all the things that have happened at the jail in the last four years, you can see a need for a new jailer, a new jailer with actual jail experience. The choice is your. As always, your support will be greatly appreciated.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all of you that have helped me. It had been a learning experience and I have meet a lot of wonderful people. I look forward to serving you as your new Jailer.

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