Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jailer's race

Ok people its time to start watching the Jessamine County Jailer's race. I can tell you that I would like to see a debate between Sallee and Branscum. I tried to have a debate set up but for some reason no one would not do it. The newspaper had always have a debate, but would not do it for some reason this year. We need to get both of these men together and have them answer questions from the public. That is the only way the public will be able to make an informed choice in this race. I would think that both sides would want to be able to tell the voting public what they stand for and hope to do a jailer. I only hope that Branscum has better luck that I did in getting this set up. The public needs to find out why the newspaper did not have a debate this year? I sure would like to know.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stay tuned

I have noticed that there are as many people following my blog now as there were during the race. I can tell you that there are still a few surprises yet to come. I would advise everyone to watch the race for jailer and watch it closely. It is in all our best interest. More later.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thank All of You

I want to take this time and say thanks to all of you that voted for me and helped in this election. Win or lose this has been a learning experience and I am thankful for it. I can tell you that if I win I will do what I said I would do and that is fix the Jessamine County Jail. I will be back in four year either running for election or reelection.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Time to Vote

Now its time to vote. I have said all along that we need a Jailer with experience. I am the ONLY republican running for Jailer that has any Jail experience. I would like to ask you one more time the following questions:
Would you hire a fire chief that has never been a fire fighter? Would you hire a police chief that has never been a police officer? Of course you wouldn't, so why would you elect a jailer that has never worked in a jail? I have 13 years experience of working in a jail, and over 1100 hours of training in corrections. My self and chief deputy have over 35 years of experience in corrections. The opposition has no jail experience at all. I have a plan that outlines some of the things I plan on doing and how I will save the county money and make the jail a safer place for staff and inmates a like. The opposition talks about all the thing he has done as a fire fighter, but not one word about any jail experience. Why, because he has none. If you look at all the things that have happened at the jail in the last four years, you can see a need for a new jailer, a new jailer with actual jail experience. The choice is your. As always, your support will be greatly appreciated.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all of you that have helped me. It had been a learning experience and I have meet a lot of wonderful people. I look forward to serving you as your new Jailer.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Can you buy an Election?

Well we are about to find out. You have one candidate (Me) that is the only candidate with any Jail experience and has very little money to spend. I spend my time talking about the specific things I plan on doing to save the county money, make the jail a safer place for the county and bring the jail out in the open. I have a plan that will save the county money by requiring the inmates that use the jail to help with the cost of operating the jail. On the other hand you have a candidate that has no experience at all and a lot more money to spend. He uses county property in his ads and talks about his experience in law enforcement and with the fire dept, but not one word about any Jail experience. I have ask this question before and will ask this question again, would you hire a fire chief that was never a fire fighter, would you hire a police chief that was never a police officer, no you would not, then why would you consider electing a Jailer that have never worked in a jail? Can you buy an election? We are about to find out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Almost Time to Vote

As the time to vote gets near, there are a couple of things you need to think about.
Would you hire a fire chief that has never been a fire fighter? Would you hire a police chief that has never been a police officer? Of course you wouldn't, so why would you elect a jailer that has never worked in a jail? I have 13 years experience of working in a jail, and over 1100 hours of training in corrections. My self and chief deputy have over 35 years of experience in corrections. The opposition has no jail experience at all. I have a plan that outlines some of the things I plan on doing and how I will save the county money and make the jail a safer place for staff and inmates a like. The opposition talks about all the thing he has done as a fire fighter, but not one word about any jail experience. Why, because he has none. If you look at all the things that have happened at the jail in the last four years, you can see a need for a new jailer, a new jailer with actual jail experience. The choice is your. As always, your support will be greatly appreciated.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Jessamine Journal

If you get a chance please have a look at the election in the Jessamine County Journal this week. I will try to post them on here so you see the difference in our plans and why experience matters.

My Plan

In my plan as Jailer, I would have a road crew ready to go to work helping to clean up the mess that all the rain caused. This would speed up the clean up process and save the county some money. Just another reason that experience matters.